Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Visiting El Cristo


This past weekend, our Westmont in Bolivia team decided to visit El Cristo, which is located right here in Bolivia! After a long trufi ride, we made it to the foot of the hill on which El Cristo is located and began the long trek up the stairs. The altitude made the journey quite difficult but in the end, we all made it! Here are some photos (credit to Danica)!


A fun team picture with the (smoggy) city in the background. A breathtaking view nevertheless!

The great view from the top! And Mali from Wheaton is pretty great too :)

The entire group of hikers, consisting of Westmonsters, Wheaton, and Messiah College peeps.

In order to get the entire statue of El Cristo into our picture, we got to get a nice Bolivian family in our shot as well! What's a picture in Bolivia without a Bolivian family?

The gondolas taking people up to El Cristo. Look at that amazing view from up top with the mountains in the background! The hike was quite steep!

We got to stop for ice cream after our hard work climbing El Cristo! Que delicioso!

Thanks for visiting our blog! Everyone's got a busy schedule this week, and it's hard to believe we're already a week into it. We will be sure to update on some of the highlights of this trip! It's been a blast so far!

Dios le bendiga!
Annika, Ben, Brittany, Danica, Jake, Myvy, and Rachel

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